Public meeting 10 Sept 2010

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  • Song Name: Public meeting 10 Sept 2010
  • Artist: no wind farm at clare
  • Album: no wind farm at clare

A public meeting was held at the Hundon village hall on 10th Sept 2010.

On this podcast you can hear from:

Matthew Hancock MP (West Suffolk)
Tim Yeo MP (Suffolk South)
Peter Stevens (Councillor, Cavendish Ward, Bury St Edmunds)
as well as questions from the large number of attendees.

Please join the facebook group:!/group.php?gid=109711599083909 for further information.


BT are proposing to build a Wind Farm of 6 x 2.3 MW turbines on the outskirts of historic Clare (Suffolk) at Leys Farm.

The plans are available here:

The proposed turbines are 125m high and would be situated only 500m from some homes (the manufacturers specify it is not safe to stay within 500-1500m of a working turbine depending on the model in question. EU and UK is considering a 1-1.5km min distance from wind farms to dwellings.)

BT claim that the turbines will not be noisy, but there is a huge evidence base that disagrees with this.

PLEASE write to The Rt Hon Chris Huhne MP, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA (or to Matthew Hancock MP, Tim Yeo MP or Brooks Newmark MP) to register your opposition to this proposed wind farm at Clare.

About Clare:

Please see the Wikipedia entry for Clare:,_Suffolk

Clare's 13th century stone castle (now ruined) sits on a 70 ft motte and may be viewed on the BBC website:,_Suffolk

Clare is a small, rural town with an unusually high density of listed buildings ( ) as can be seen on this map: